Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mastermind tells how The Crime Club operates!

Mastermind tells how The CRIME CLUB operates!

Kings and presidents, bankers and senators, as well as surgeons, lawyers, and college presidents are ardent detective and mystery story readers. Many of them have joined the Crime Club to insure themselves the best in a vast flood of mystery fiction in order to avoid the mediocre and the dull.

Five noted experts in mystery will select for you each month the outstandingly thrilling story. The Crime Club Jury includes Grant Overton, critic, author, former fiction editor of Collier's -- Frances Noyes Hart, distinguished author of "The Bellamy Trial" -- John Kidd, Former President of the American Booksellers' Association -- Arthur T. Vance, editor of The Pictorial Review -- and William Rose Benet, associate editor of The Saturday Review. The jury has an absolutely free hand, and its decision, by ballot, is final.

  • The CRIME CLUB Jury's Selected Detective Novel Each Month -- Mailed to you by your bookstore ten days or so before it can be bought by the public.

  • FREE -- Crime Club Annual -- As soon as you join the Club, you receive absolutely free the handsome full-size volume, "Masterstrokes of Crime Detection," compiled by Lassiter Wren. This fascinating book is comparable in every way to standard $5.00 non-fiction books.

  • Membership Certificate and special privileges -- You also receive a membership certificate, filled in with your name. And you will be kept posted about the latest in mystery literature.
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